Should we write articles about fishing?


Staff Member
Our main focus on fishing is our Youtube content but everyone has different experiences and backgrounds in fishing. The gulf coast has a ton to offer and I wonder if posting fishing articles on the magazine/blog style front end of the website is something we should pursue in the future? Maybe have guys that want to write/share create articles. In the past I have actually paid people to write because I felt this was important at the time. Here is an example of a recap article I did on a few trips I was doing with friends that we called Roam 72. Not fishing but just to show what an article would look like.

The basis behind Roam 72 was to get away from work early on a 9-80 schedule and make the 72 hour weekend as much fun as possible.

I guess my bigger question is WOULD people read them? For example, I subscribed to Texas Monthly Magazine two years ago and even though they have an online version I never even read it. The actual magazine form version I get in the mail is SO filled with ads the content I actually wanted to read at first started to get lost. I did not renew my membership for the magazine for that reason.


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That's a really cool idea !! Write on fishing and person experience during trip can go deep in depth of what color lure the fish were biting how deep in the water column where the fish and activity but I know some people just like turning on the video and listening to it while they're working on stuff
but I know some people just like turning on the video and listening to it while they're working on stuff
Exactly, sometimes I watch videos but many times I am listening to them and if I hear and interesting part I will look up. I do not find myself reading articles much unless I am searching for something very specific.
Exactly, sometimes I watch videos but many times I am listening to them and if I hear and interesting part I will look up. I do not find myself reading articles much unless I am searching for something very specific.
It would be interesting just to try and see if it catches on like a fishing tips .. I've had the same experience when I'm look up stuff and end up on a form
I think we will give it a shot. Basically a written recap on the spots we fish and create videos of. It will also give us an excuse to shoot more fishing photography of the places for the article.
Update: I am currently working on the article system. I will eventually provide google map locations for each of the articles that highlight a video. This is because some of the comments we have received on videos are asking if we will list the location.
Update: created a map that will link all videos/articles for past fishing spots. Next I will go back and update the post from those spots to be a bit more detailed. I have more ideas but I just need to work through each thing and finish one thing before starting another lol.