My dad, my wife and I went yesterday and caught 1 black drum of maybe 10 inches. Had my wife hold it so I could get a picture but she dropped it when it jumped. But the boat traffic was awful as soon as one came out there was another one going in. So many that we decided to keep fishing because the line was up over the levy so we had to wait to leave. So it was so late we decided to use go home. My question to others is if you give the boats the respect to stay out of there way so they can launch, do you say anything to them when they don’t show the same courtesy? We had at least 6 boats that made us reel in our lines so they could use the dock to load people. No thank you what so ever. Even had one butt face scream at us saying we shouldn’t be fishing in the area at all told us the place was for boats only but couldn’t prove it. He was awfully close from being slapped in the back of the head with a fishing rod, but my dad reminded me that just because he was acting like an ass there was no reason for me to act like one. What are y’all’s thoughts. Thanks