Quick Update about Videos


Staff Member
This month I have been super busy with my son’s wrestling season finishing up and editing when I could. I spoke to the crew and it was obvious that I was the bottleneck in getting the next video out. @Eduardo “El Tiburon” asked how he could help me with the video stuff. I really love editing so even giving up part of the task is tough for me. We decided we would have Payton help go through the hours and hours of footage and cut out stuff we wont use or does not work in the video and that would help me a ton. @Eduardo “El Tiburon” will now handle our Instagram and as the “ideas guy” he will keep us updated and moving forward with where we should go next and what we should do.

After a bit of planning we decided to take a part of our shop and create an editing area.


It was a task that took some time because we also organized and cleaned 2/3 of the shop after being there 4 years to allow for the editing area. Carlo came in to get us more organized.


We added a giant table so we could all work and be comfortable.


After a ton of cleaning we tried it out and Eduardo even published an instagram short as our welder Kobi worked.

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