Backpack for an around the world trip


Staff Member
Recently I bought a one way ticket on United for Tokyo for the first stop of an around the world trip I have planned with my wife and son for the summer of 2025.

I previously did a solo trip around the world and took an REI backpack but learned that it was too big. I took too much camera gear that I did not end up using like a camera stabilization gimbal and a macbook.


This time I plan to go super light so we recently visit the local REI and bought the (3) ultra light and ultra small 22 liter day packs on sale. Yes the flash 22 is super small but I want to be free of a bulky bag.

We also made sure to buy them in black so that when carrying them through city areas the zippers are harder to see for eyes of pickpockets.


One thing we are doing as well is only taking the bare minimum in cloths. We will make sure the bags weight is under 7kg as well so we do not have a problem being over any airline weight limits. Last time they weighed my backpack and I got charged money for being over.